Friday, March 04, 2005


you have lived
a long long time
you have stayed within me (feeding on my blood)
you have changed, changed me
in a way i did not wish to be
never to be complete
never to be complete

a parasite of my emotions
a parasite of thoughts
you vulture of empathy
a vampire in my sleep

you have lived a long long time
you have taken what is not yours
you have changed, changed me
in a way i did not wish to be changed
i can live without you
i cannot live within you
i can live without it

a parasite of my love
a parasite of thoughts
to take with you, what is not yours
a parasite of thoughts

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

New York City Light

I'm into New York, in the same way i'm into a new lover. You know the way she opens up a whole unseen universe of possibillitie. A curvy redhead, or a skinny dark one, or a blond french one, i absolutely don't mind at all. As Sartre would write, the woman is a metaphor for beholding the whole world. Therefor it does not matter who the object of desire is. I like the streets of manhattan, i had just mentioned to my friends how many the scyscrapers were, when they told me, that they weren't scyscrapers at all, they were in another part of the city. Where it's possible to fall in love twice a day just walking the street. I took your advise, Bella, and walked and walked for miles, 10 hours in the same day. I cannot remember much, because, my timeline was fucked. The timedifference is 4 hours, and then there is the thing, that you lose sense of linear time, in a new place. It is only the sense of things around you, that governs your attention. The second day, i walked alone, and got lost, in the darkness of manhatten, I walked for blocks, not wanting to ask anyone, getting a short grunt, whenever i did. I felt so lost, like i could have disappeared and never be found again, in the world. I walked the womb of the city, into her darkness, her cruelty, her ignorance. I became an insect. It felt like being born, into the Vault anew. i don't know how, but time past and i found myself again at the central station, being cleansed of all my sins, mistakes, 28 and a half years of fucking things up. What a relief. I returned to my drinking again, refreshed.
The first concert went sort of well, although i had to spend 4 hours of saudering, to get my banjo pickup together, which then did not work. So i had to lend one, which luckily was in the owning of one of the people there. It was the loft of bubblecore records, and the people kind of dropped their cool for a moment, and danced. The second concert was a different story in front of 400 NY hipsters, we had a medium good day, opening for Animal Collective. I was pleased, but not everyone in the kammergroup. Then we played in Bowery's Ballroom the following day, opening for Animal Collective again. I had a shitty time, because i had some technical difficulties with a fuzz pedal. It's kind of annoying when you don't know if the sound is going to deliver inself out of the amplifier. oh, well, a lot of sacrifice is needed for playing the banjo. It has worked well though, expanding the sound of the group. 3 guitars, kind of wasn't working out. There was too much of a muddy sound. The banjo has a different resonance then the guitar, and a wonderful percussive attack.
But the guitar is shaped like a woman.
i spent my last day, walking through central park, which had been packed in orange cloth, hung over the walkways. I hadn't realized how hugh the thing is, it's like 50 blocks. And in the middle of the biggest city in the world. I went to the Dakota, where Lennon lived, and the corner where he was shot. Yoko still lives there. It has a quite gothic, in it's gloominess.
I came home tired, but somewhat recharged, although i didn't really feel like coming back!